Vandergrift Business Association

1.11.23 Open Meeting
In Attendance: Amy Buffalini
Lisa Brunermer
Paul Levy
Ryan Goering
Lisa Dormire
Carla Geltz
Rich Ciucra
Nick Morgan
Laura Ciucra
Karen Cramer
Rae Ann Bruner
Josh Freeman
Rebecca Borland
Robert Buchanan
Aubrey McCutcheon

New business: Highlighting businesses starting back up

in January (this month)
Outdoor “Spotlight” VBA flags are big and awkward for one person to move. In 2023,
Spotlights began at the bottom of Grant Ave and worked their way up Grant for simplicity
of placement outside of business.
25 businesses to still be spotlighted yet on social media
Tossed around idea of a Table-top flag “featured member” (Spotlight) flag instead of the
large outdoor flags
VBA CAN (Connect and Network) at East West Boutique Thursday 1/26/24
Light refreshments served
Businesses can team up and co- host together if there isn’t enough physical space
3 Months available: oct, nov, and dec
Carla Geltz: feedback wanted: How to protect permanent business competition during Vendor
Rae – For GoG, Limit to two “competitor” of each “business”
Lisa – “Community over competition”, but for one day, that perm business owners may
be discovered, and still going to have a better day than a normal day
Paul – Limit on the number and have them spaced out.

New application for “use of public space” challenges:
Unified argument to counsel during the 2/5/24 meeting
Meeting at 1/21 Grant Ave Collective to finalize an objective/agenda list
1) Cost or fees assessed by the Borough for security shall be applied, even if part time for
setup/clean up
a. Clarification needed!
i. Definition of paying for the police as the boro is needed
1. Need a $ amount to be able to budget
2. The officer should be present the entire event if we are being
3. Can we hire our own off-duty officer for a flat fee in place of an
officer being dispatched for our event

*risk of closure of permanent businesses if small gatherings such as “GoG” gets depleted due to
new application policies

-Possibly see if businesses can come in and show council their monetary
advantages of having GoG may be a big advantage to our events
2) $500 deposit. Borough has the right to inspect property after event, determines if
borough employees are needed and determines how much deposit if any is returned
a. Ask to be changed to a more feasible amount such as $100-$150
3) All rubbish containers have to have new bags of proper size at the end of every event
(being provided?)
a. Receptacle bins to be able to separate the cans/glass from trash?
i. Bins didn’t have bags in them to begin with. VBA put our own bags
overtop the existing trash to collect the trash from our event. The trash at
the bottom of the bagless bins were not from our VBA event
4) Borough determines if security is needed for events and charges police overtime
expenses are at the cost of the event.
5) No alcohol allowed without PLCB permit.
a. Beer Garden for Allusion and it can be consumed in closed event
6) No verbiage about if council denies an event, deposit is returned
a. Do we get our deposit back if we are denied the event? Refundable?
7) No verbiage about “filing fee”
8) Any glass and metal requiring sorting means another $250 fee
9) 2 Million dollars insurance
a. Identity Clause stating that if something is directly related to our event, we are
responsible for the liability

10) Arbitary assessment of any damage, and fee assessment
a. Shouldn’t be someone on council to assess due to conflict of interest

Meeting adjourned.