Vandergrift Business Association

Open Meeting Minutes 11.9.23 In attendance: Robert Buchanon Nikol Reed Aubrey McCutcheon Karen Cramer Laura Josh Freeman Mark Reed Jonie Bertelle Rebecca Borland Tallying votes for 5 board of directors – By-laws approved Unanimously Town Council ANY dates for events in 2024 for ANY organizations. They are holding a meeting in December to establish policies Details of these policies and approval of event dates in January 2 nd annual Small Business Crawl Small business Saturday November 25th – must call by 11/17/23 in order to be added to the flyer End of Year party – Invites to be sent out ASAP via email Need a number for RSVP’s in order to create a budget Additional advertising will be done to make sure the word is out VBA facebook page to create buzz about the email coming out so people are aware of the event Event invite through facebook New Business-Resource page on the website to help support struggling businesses in the future Voting Results in: Nick Morgan Josh Freeman Nikol Reed Aubrey McCutcheon Rebecca Borland Are officially Board members *There will be no VBA meeting in December Meeting adjourned