Vandergrift Business Association

In attendance: Robert Buchanan, Karen Cramer, Aubrey McCutcheon, Laure Cuica, Rae Ann Bruner, Nick Morgan, Nikol Reed, Deana Waters, Roger Laib, Rebecca Borland

1. Next Oktoberfest meeting is July 16th at 6pm
2. Raffle tickets sold for Oktoberfest need to be submitted back to Allusion by July 31st to be valid.
– Raffle tickets sold at counter in Allusion and at 412 Rally
– Car Show, Gathering on Grant, Artfest to have roaming Oktoberfest Committee member to sell raffle tickets
– Hoping to sell all the tickets to be able to Give Back and donate to both Firehalls
3. Gathering on Grant – July theme is Christmas in July
– 41-42 vendors signed up
– Port a Potty will be available
– No bicycles allowed within barriers, will be enforced for safety reasons
– Some table sponsors still needed
4. Educational series – Nick
– July Educational class – Viral Marketing by East West Boutique
– No Educational class in August
– September Educational class – Franchising
5. New Business
– ArtFest – Update from Lisa Dormire
– All is coming along well. Palettes will go up on Monday evening. Streets will close to traffic and parking at 7am the day of the event. Volunteers are needed in all capacities. Shuttle will be available from Big Lots and the #2 field. Space still available on Columbia for non-profit booths. VBA will request a booth.
– Marketing – VBA Facebook has 25,000 post engagements, and 74 more followers since last month.

Meeting adjourned.