Vandergrift Business Association

In attendance: Robert Buchanan, Laura Ciuca, Karen Cramer, RaeAnne Bruner, Nikol Reed


Oktoberfest is this Saturday. Details are all set, we picked up a couple vendors last minute.

Gathering on Grant: Ponies cancelled, worried about being on asphalt. Pivoted and got a horseshoe game for kids to play. Will give prizes. Caracaturist doing ‘wanted’ pictures, we will provide props for caracitures. We purchased a large prop for selfies, and the scouts will help out with the activities. Entertainment is Ricky Lake, Jr. of Endless Thirst. All the normal vendors.

12/8 VBA holiday event: Venue is booked, Center on Franklin. We will have ‘light bites.’ Planning to continue, we’ll put up a Facebook post to recruit a committee. We would also like to have all VBA members vote on “Business of the Year” and present the award at the holiday event.

No new business.

Meeting adjourned.